Counter Offers – Why You Should Never Accept One

Although unemployment currently sits at a whopping 27.1% in South Africa you will find that there are markets where good people are incredibly hard to find especially in industries such as digital and technology.  So, the term “counter offer” will absolutely come up...

CV Formatting Advice

Having been a recruiter for 10 years working within the digital and media sector, viewing around 30 - 50 CV's a day which roughly works out to about 100,000 CV's in my career, I've really seen it all when it comes to CV's. From your ten-page CV's for a recent graduate...

First Impressions + Interviewing

Let’s be honest, interviewing can be incredibly nerve wracking! It’s hardly the most natural thing to sit in front of people and not only talk about yourself but also SELL yourself.  You need to present yourself in the best possible way in order to stand apart from...